
Ms.Aziz, all of my photos and explanations are located on this blog. I decided to do a blog because I believe that it looks orderly and also easy to understand.My photos were originally done in alphabetical order, but because of the settings, they are now in reverse order.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Different Types of Lipids

The foods photographed above both contain lipids. The lipids found in the vegetable oil differ from those found in the chocolate icing. The lipids in the oil are unsaturated. On a molecular level, Unsaturated fats have a bend in them so they don't line up/stick together as well. On the other hand, saturated lipids have a straight, almost linear shape. They can line up together and are more "sticky." The formation of the lipids is thought to contribute to the way they stick in the body. Saturated fats would remain in the body 'better' when compared to unsaturated fats. Because of their make up, unsaturated fats are healthier. 

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